Hey guys,
I thought I should introduce this blog to my new little bundle of fluff, this is Thomas my new little black and white kitten - Thomas is a stray cat I found one day walking to work. After weeks of trying to find his owner with no success and him not being chipped, myself and my family decided to take him in.
We have guessed he is about 4 - 5 months old and believe that he was previously in a home as I found him wearing a collar but had been abandoned by a train station near my home. Despite having older cats Tom has settled in really well, he is quite a lot to handle as with any kitten but he is the most adorable little thing ever!
Just for reference I do not condone people finding 'stray' cats on the street and taking them home as there is a chance they may belong to someone, but as this cat was only a baby and very skinny I decided that the best thing to do was to take him home, feed him and attempt to find his owner that way. It just so happens that this particular owner did not want to be found and was happy to get rid of him.
If you are worried about a stray cat or dog in your area then my best advice would be to try and get the animal to the nearest vets and get them checked for a chip it is the best way to find their home
As a side note, I will never understand why people continue to abandon poor defenseless cats and dogs - there are so many shelters and options for people who cannot handle their pets - the main one being don't get an animal if you are worried in anyway about not being able to look after it. Animals are a huge commitment and are not something that can be gotten rid of if they become an inconvenience - I fully support the idea that not everybody should have the right to adopt an animal and believe there needs to be more regulations to prevent so many abandoned animals.
If you haven't already guessed this is something I feel very passionate about this topic haha!
On to something a bit more cheery - I used my brand spanking new camera for these pictures and really like the way they came out I hope you can notice the improvement in quality! I am now using the Canon Eos M and would thoroughly recommend for someone, like me, who is not interested in having a huge DSLR but wants the picture quality, its the perfect little bridge camera between your classic point and shoot and SLR.